The Prince wanders for a long time until he hears familiar singing. When the Prince comes, the witch lets the hair down, draws him up, and pushes him off the tower where he goes blind from the thorns below. However, she gives him away by accident one day by indicating her own pregnancy and the witch casts Rapunzel out to fend for herself after cutting her hair off. They agree to marry and the Prince and she make a plan to facilitate her escape.

He yells those same words and Rapunzel, thinking it is the witch, lets her hair down only for her to meet the Prince. One day, a Prince happens by and hears the words. The child grows her hair long and golden and is locked away in a tower with no means of escape but a single window from which she lets her hair down for the witch to climb up upon the utterance of the words ‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so I may climb the golden stair.’ The man steals it from a garden belonging to a witch named who proceeds to take the child away at birth. The original story starts out with an pregnant woman who longs for a plant. Tangled did a very different spin on the original material than most Disney films.

In fact, Rapunzel was the movie’s original name before it was changed to appeal to a more widespread audience besides girls. Tangled is based off the fairy tale by Brothers Grimm called Rapunzel. Does Tangled hold itself up to those same standards, particularly being among the most expensive films Disney made? Origin/Storyline Illustrated by Johnny Gruelle There are seven standards Disney must hold itself to: Origin/storyline, Disney Princess, Disney Relationship, Disney Villain, Disney Music, Disney Settings and the Side characters that add color to the story. This is why holding it critically to its usual standards it held to in the past is important. These days, all Disney has to do is market the movie, people will watch it, they will advertise and market the positive reactions and it will generally be seen as a success, any failures be damned. These standards will be the ones to judge whether a Disney movie is truly deserving of the hype it gets, particularly in this day and age. Since Snow White, Disney has held itself up to seven different standards, aspects if you will, that set them apart from the typical movies made in Hollywood. Rapunzel learns to trust the wanted thief Flynn Rider who guides her to the Kingdom so she may satisfy her curiosity towards the floating lights she sees every day. Tangled is the adaptation of Rapunzel, and tells the story of a lost princess who is being hoarded by a greedy woman named Gothel due to her golden hair possessing youthful properties. Tangled spent six years in production, a step up from the renaissance era which sometimes made movies just a year apart. Tangled hit the theaters and made loads of money for the studios. In 2010, Walt Disney Animated Studios released their fiftieth animated feature within the animated canon and the tenth Disney princess.